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Each webinar will be available as we progress through the 10-week growing project!

Pre - Project Prep!


A foundational part of the Medicine Box Project is engaging with Elders & Knowledge Keepers, and ensuring we are following cultural protocol along the way. As we all begin to learn about traditional plants and sacred medicines, we know this will become part of your journey as well. If you are looking for somewhere to start, we highly recommend checking out this local resource: 

"Engaging with Indigenous Elders & Knowledge Keepers" 

by the Grande Prairie Aboriginal Circle of Services 

Happy reading! 

Week 1. June 24 - June 30

This week, we have a video with our Elder Loretta Parenteau-English, a Blackfoot Elder from the Piikani Nation, who has kindly helped guide us throughout this project. She is currently the Elder in Residence at the Grande Prairie Regional College and shares her time, knowledge and kind conversation generously with those in need. Through her stories, and by sharing how Traditional Medicines have played a role in her life, she teaches us about the sacredness of caring for and learning about these plants. She also takes us through planting the seedlings in her very own Medicine Box. We also have learning resources with knowledge shared with us from River Thomas. Thank you to Loretta and River for their time, generosity and guidance!

Week 2. July 1 - July 7

This week, we have an audio recording with Bernadette Smith.  Bernadette is a Dene Tha' Elder originally from Chateh.  She is a compassionate, kind, and overall wonderful person who has had such a positive influence on so many through her role at the Grande Prairie Friendship Centre.  We are always grateful for the opportunity to talk with Bernadette.  Due to covid, she felt comfortable with a phone interview.  We hope that the sound quality is there and that you enjoy listening to her.  The accompanying handout is a summary of the information Bernadette shares about 12 plants that can be used to maintain health.  This is an introduction to the wide world of traditional plants in general and you are encouraged to continue learning by connecting with Elders, knowledge keepers, and doing your own research.  We will post good learning resources we find and we appreciate the sharing of any that you may have. Thank you Bernadette for sharing with all of us. 

Note about the Audio:

The Audio Track with the image will only play on a computer and not on a phone. It allows you to see where you are in the interview and combe back to listen. If you are listening from a phone, click the blue play/triangle icon. 

Bernadette Smith Traditional Plants
00:00 / 36:08
Check In

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Week 3. July 8 - July 14

This week, we have teachings shared from Al Crawford. Al Crawford is a young man from the Bigstone Cree Nation. He will be presenting on what culture is and means to him, and how it has helped him in his journey as a young person. He will talk about identity, language, song and dance, ceremony and much more that culture means to him. Al is a youth worker, cultural aid, mentor, role model, brother, friend, grandson, etc. He will share his experiences with culture and how it has helped shape him into the individual that he is today.  Thank you Al for your continued support, time, and teachings!


Check out this handout to find two more learning resources including a Podcast episode from "Two Crees in a Pod" and document from The Alberta Teachers Association "Walking Together - Stepping Stones".

Check In

Please press on the pencil to be redirected to a "Check In" where we can get some feedback from you. Thank you!

Week 4. July 15 - July 21

This weeks webinar is hosted by Andrea Deleeuw. Andrea is a partner of the Medicine Box Project and the founder of,  an Indigenous-led online community intended to educate, promote local initiatives, and welcome people into the circle. As a community worker and advocate, a social work student, a research assistant, a wife, and a mom of two young girls, Andrea has learned the importance of self-care. She admits that in years past she has made the mistake of over-extending herself and neglecting her own needs, but after raising her awareness, learning more about healthy boundaries, and searching out self-care strategies that work, Andrea now genuinely enjoys partaking in self-care activities that renew her spirit and contribute to her wellness. In this weeks webinar, Andrea shares how sage can support us in our self-care practices. Thanks for sharing with us, Andrea!


Check out this Medicine Wheel self-care handout, titled "Self-Care during Covid-19 Pandemic". Credit: First Nations Health Authority website. At the bottom we've also added a few suggestions for how sage can be utilized in our self-care.

Check In

Please press on the pencil to be redirected to a "Check In" where we can get some feedback from you. Thank you!

Week 5. July 22 - July 28

As this week is the halfway point of our webinar series, team member Brigitte recaps what we've learned so far and thanks the webinar hosts and participants for sharing their words. This ties into this weeks theme which is "Words are Medicine". In this video, we will hear from Métis community member Kelly Benning and Métis Elder Angie Crerar. Both of these women are change-makers in our community who raise others up with their passion, and make us laugh with their wit. While both play many roles across the country, Kelly is currently the Vice President of the National Association of Friendship Centres, and Angie is the President of Métis Local 1990. We are so grateful to Kelly & Angie for sharing their words. In this weeks handout, we share a poem from Chrystos that we feel communicates our hopes for the Medicine Box Project through words. Happy halfway point, let's keep growing! 


Check out this poem by Chrystos, Menominee poet & activist. This poem is from her collection "Not Vanishing". 

Check In

Please press on the pencil to be redirected to a "Check In" where we can get some feedback from you. Thank you!

Week 6. July 29 - August 4

This week we discuss harvesting and reciprocity through a video from Loretta Parenteau-English, who continues to help lead us in the Medicine Box Project. In this short video, Loretta talks about continuing to care for our plants and harvesting them when the time is right. This naturally brought up conversations of reciprocity - a foundational value among Indigenous peoples and within the Medicine Box Project. In our PDF, we have included a recommended reading from Christi Belcourt and a video from Billy Joe Laboucan to continue the conversation around caring for the land, harvesting, and reciprocity.  Thank you for your continued guidance and support Loretta! 


Check out this resources summarizing the Harvesting Teachings from Loretta as well as links to a recommended book and video for further learning.

Check In

Please press on the pencil to be redirected to a "Check In" where we can get some feedback from you. Thank you!

Week 7. August 5 - August 11

This week's webinar is hosted by Omarla and Kirk Cooke and focuses on our connection and responsibility to Mother Earth. Omarla and Kirk share with us a powerful prayer through both spoken and sign language and Omarla shares teachings on the grounding of person through visiting the land and the way in which our connections to our surroundings shape our everyday life. Omarla, a Blackfoot, Irish & Italian woman who has lived in Treaty 8 territory for over 30 years, is the mother to Kirk, who is Blackfoot, Scottish, Irish and Italian. Omarla is currently the Indigenous Education Supervisor and Indigenous Studies teacher at St. John Paul and St. Joes high schools. Both Omarla and Kirk have contributed to the community in amazing ways (and they give the best hugs!). Thank you for sharing your beautiful gifts, knowledge and time Omarla & Kirk, and to Team Member Casey for her beautiful video editing! This week's handout includes three resources for learning more about where we live, work and grow. Enjoy exploring! 


Check out this handout suggesting 3 different resources to learn more about where we live and connecting to the land.

Check In

Please press on the pencil to be redirected to a "Check In" where we can get some feedback from you. Thank you!

Week 8. August 12 - August 18

This week's webinar is hosted by local Indigenous Education helper, Krista Umble. Because of her encouragement, advocacy, and support many Grande Prairie families and students lovingly refer to her as Auntie Krista. Krista first recorded the video as a way to remind her students of the power of mindfulness, and we are so happy that she was willing to share her teachings with us here at the Medicine Box Project! 

In these videos, Krista talks about many important concepts, including: the role of Aunties, intentional awareness, connecting with our senses, unplugging from technology, spending time outdoors, and having gratitude for it all.


The first video is an introduction that Krista recorded specifically for the Medicine Box Project. The second video is a guided walk outdoors, and just like the video title says, you can expect to look "Up, down, and around" while connecting with Mother Earth and all of your senses. Thank you again, Krista, for sharing these videos and teachings so generously with us! 

Part 1: Introduction 


Check out this weeks handout for more mindfulness practice tips and strategies!

Part 2: "Up, down and around walk with Auntie Krista"- Guided Walking Activity

Week 9. August 19 - August 25

This week's webinar is hosted by team member Brigitte Benning, who shares what she has come to know in this early phase of her learning journey. In this video, she talks about honoring the truth of what has occurred on Turtle Island (such as the ban of spiritual practices within the Indian Act in 1885) and reflecting on the outcomes this continues to have today. She celebrates the reclamation of Traditional Knowledge by Indigenous peoples across the country and within our own community. By highlighting some current events, she also tries to shed light on the need for respect and reflection when engaging with Traditional Medicines and Plants in 2020. For those who wish to learn more about the Indian Act and its history within Canada, we have shared three interesting resources in the PDF. We hope you enjoy this weeks conversation and that you move forward with inspiration and hope! 


Check out this weeks handout for 3 engaging resources on the Indian Act. 

Week 10. August 26- September 2

Tansi! We are here on week 10, our final formal week of webinars and learning. This week we are looking to you to become the host of our project, and to share your teachings. We ask that you reflect upon your learning and think about what you envision as we move forward in a good way. There is a PDF with some great reflection questions that can be used to prompt your thinking. We would love for you to make a commitment based on that reflection and share it with us. This week we ask you to make a "one line commitment" to being a changemaker. We think it would be amazing to have a video of everyone sharing their commitment. If you feel comfortable doing that, you can email us a video or share it on Facebook.  If choose not to share a video, you can still share your commitment with us through the check in or through a comment on Facebook. Our email is Here is the question we hope you will answer in your video (or comment):

"In the next 5 years I commit to ______ in order to be a positive change maker for a better world."

Post your video on the Facebook Group post or email it to


Check out this PDF for the some further reflection questions. 

Check In

Please press on the pencil to be redirected to a "Check In" where we can get some feedback from you. Everyone who completes this final check in will be entered into a draw for some amazing prizes!

Thank you for walking this journey with us and sharing your voice. We hope that you continue to follow our website and online platforms for updates. Please keep us updated on the growth of your beautiful Traditional Plants and your experience of harvesting the Medicines. 

© 2020 by Medicine Box Project. 

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